Monday, 30 July 2012

Homoeopathy Software – A Boon To All Homoeopaths

Homoeopathy is a system of Medicine founded by the German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the 19th century. It is based on the principle of ‘similia similibus curentur’ meaning ‘let likes be treated by likes’.

A homoeopathic physician is akin to a painter who paints a picture of the patient’s disease state by taking a detailed history, his physical and mental makeup, and various other individualizing features of his illness. The homoeopathy software goes a long way in making this time-consuming task simpler, quicker, and more refined. The homoeopathy software helps the homoeopath at every stage of his practice, beginning from recording the preliminary data of the patient like the name, age, sex, address, marital status, etc.

Later, the homoeopathy software helps the homoeopath in recording all the minute details of the case as required homoeopathically. Once the relevant data has been recorded, then comes the most important aspect – finding the correct remedy. The Homoeopathy software helps the homoeopath to analyse and to repertorize (convert patient’s symptoms in the language of the repertory) the case. The homoeopath can use various features of the Homoeopathy software such as the Materia Medica section, the Repertory section, the Library section, etc. to guide him towards the accurate remedy.

Additionally, the homoeopath can refer various source books, several articles and cases, and numerous cross references – all at one place – in the homoeopathy software. The homoeopath can read and refer several useful links, all at the touch of a button, using the homoeopathy software. Besides this, the homoeopathy software has several added on features such as the expert systems – special ways of reaching the correct remedy developed by expert homoeopaths such as Dr. Parinaz Humranwala, Dr. Jan Scholten, Dr. Sehgal, Dr. Prafull Vijaykar, etc. These expert systems are like readymade solutions to those homoeopaths who want to follow the masters but are not in a position to personally learn from them. Thus, the homoeopathy software helps reduce the gap between the experienced masters and the beginners or learners of homoeopathy.

Finally, the homoeopath can check/recheck his choice of remedy using various tools from the Materia Medica or the Repertory from the Homoeopathy software.

Thus, one can highlight the advantages of Homoeopathy software in the following manner:

It helps:
  • To find the correct remedy with potency and dosage quickly and accurately.
  • Provide multiple solutions to any case by using different strategies and tools.
  • Systematic and easy recording of every case in a user-friendly format. This data can be stored and easily retrieved even after 20 years.
  • Show the before and after treatment pictures or videos of the patient using the media section.
  • Save a lot of time and energy that is otherwise spent on routine tasks.
  • Create a paperless and eco-friendly clinic.
  • Provide solutions to undergraduate as well as postgraduate students in their learning and research/thesis.
Thus, overall, homoeopathy software is a boon and a blessing to all dedicated homoeopaths around the world which can definitely create much healthier people globally.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Homoeopathic Materia Medica – A Treasure brought to you by Hompath

Hompath’s Materia Medica Module Features:
  • Detailed drug picture of 1974 drugs
  • Compare 2 or more Remedies simultaneously
  • Extract Materia Medica of a remedy from a repertory
  • Learning Materia medica from cases of various schools of prescribing
  • Understand remedies through pictures, videos and power point presentations
  • Text to voice facility
  • Find exact symptom from the entire materia medica database.
Materia Medica essentially relates to a term used to signify an assemblage of knowledge pertaining to the therapeutic properties of any substance used for curative purposes. Homoeopathic Materia Medica dates back to the 18th century when Dr. Hahnemann discovered ‘The Law of Similars’, i.e. a substance capable of producing certain set of symptoms of an illness in a healthy human being could be successfully used to treat a disease when similar set of symptoms are observed in an ailing individual. This compilation of symptoms of a substance that are proved on a healthy human being when organized in an orderly manner is called Homoeopathic Materia Medica.

Hompath- World’s Largest Database Homoeopathic Software, brings forth Materia Medica comprising of a vast and a highly credible database of 3177 remedies, with a detailed drug picture of 1974 remedies, pointer keynotes of 1575 drugs and 3187 quick prescriber clinical tips.

Materia Medica Search’ feature helps you to access the remedies not commonly known to us for a particular symptom. For e.g, we know remedies like Nux-v, Arsenic and Sulphur for the symptom fastidious. But by Materia Medica Search we also come across remedies like Bar-m, Bufo, Iodium, Thuja, Anacardium, Alumina, Strammonium, etc. Thus, it helps to boost our knowledge in the field of Materia Medica.
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Materia Medica Search

The ‘Materia Medica Extract’ feature helps the physician to reach the similimum by effectively converting the Repertory into Materia Medica. Now you can create an entire Materia Medica of a remedy and ‘Compare Remedies’, as per your desire with the aid of this feature.

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Compare Remedies

Thus, you can enhance your knowledge of the known and unknown domains of any remedy and prepare annotations for research papers, thesis and books with this most user-friendly feature.

Remedy Information’ helps to obtain complete information about any remedy on a single screen, thus, saving time and efforts. Understanding remedy properties, remedy relations and keynotes of remedies is now easier.
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Remedy Information

Learn Materia Medica through Pictures, Audios, Videos and Power Point Presentations of various remedies and also upgrade your software by adding your own contributions in similar forms through our unique ‘Media’ feature.

Learning Homoeopathic Materia Medica through cases is the most coherent way to understand a remedy. View from 5000+ documented cases from various stalwarts and experts like Dr. Hahnemann, Dr. Kent, Dr. Boger, Dr. Clarke, Dr. Jawahar Shah, Dr. Parinaz Humranwala, Dr. M. L. Sehgal, Dr. Rajan Sankaran, Ian Scholten, Jeremy Sherr, George Loukas, George Vithoulkas, Anne Schadde, Nancy Herrick, etc. that will give you a profound insight into the minutiae of various modes of case taking, evaluation and analysis, right up till remedy selection, posology and follow-up, thus helping you understand various schools of prescribing. You can also view cases for a remedial study thus making your thesis preparation more substantial and effortless.

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Hompath also provides you with the feature of ‘Adding Cases’ for any remedy from your own practical experiences.

Learning Materia Medica is an enduring process. Curtailing your efforts to learn the maximum is a wiser thing to do. Hompath takes an effort to facilitate you to learn your maximum and heal to your utmost potentials.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Homoeopathy And The Homoeopathic World Of Today

Homoeopathy today has been globally accepted as the No. 1 system of alternative medicine. Our goal should be to set high standards and make it the mainstream system of medicine. Therefore, it is important for us to understand the status of homoeopathy in different countries, because our job is not only to treat patients, but also promote our pathy.


In 2011, there were 3000+ practitioners using homoeopathy in their everyday practice. The British Homoeopathic Dental Association (BHDA) claimed to have 69 dentists, while the British Association of Homoeopathic Veterinary Surgeons has 36 vets listed as members.

The NHS spends approximately £4 million a year on homoeopathy. The three NHS homoeopathic hospitals have been a part of the NHS since it began in 1948.

They treat around 200,000 NHS patients per year with homoeopathy. GPs are able to refer NHS patients to qualified and regulated homoeopathic physicians and most private health insurance companies and cash-plans consider homoeopathic treatment a good investment.


There is no national licensure in the United States and licensure is determined by State (50 states). All 50 states license DVM’s, where homoeopathy is included within the scope of practice. Thirteen states license naturopathic physicians and homoeopathy is included within their scope of practice. This exists in the States of Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Montana, Kansas, Minnesota, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Maine, and Washington DC.

A prospective student should familiarize themselves with the laws in the state in which they wish to practice. The states of Arizona, Connecticut and Nevada are the only other states in the US that license medical doctors (MD) who practice homoeopathy, osteopathic doctors who practice homoeopathy (DO) and homoeopathic medical assistants.

In 2007, National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), approximately 38 percent of adults reported using complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in USA. According to the 2007 NHIS survey, 83 million U.S. adults spent $33.9 billion out-of-pocket on visits to CAM practitioners and on purchases of CAM products, classes, and materials.

Approximately $3.1 billion were spent on homoeopathic medicine and 2.3% of the persons aged 18 or over had consulted a practitioner that year.


The Australian Register of Homoeopaths (AROH) is the national register of accredited homoeopathic doctors in Australia. Homoeopathic physicians were the first of the complementary medicine professions to develop government-endorsed National Competency Standards (NCS) for the education of homoeopathic physicians in Australia. The Australian Register of Homoeopaths, a registered company, was created in 1999 to be the national registration body for professional homoeopathic physicians.

There are a number of recognized homoeopathic associations in Australia, all of which have representatives on the board of AROH. In order to become a professional member of these associations, practitioners must first register with AROH.

The online register shows more than 700 registrants on AROH. Although our research has shown that there are 1000 practitioners in Australia.


As a result of increasing interest in and use of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicine (TCAM) therapies in medical practices and as a necessary function of its duty to protect the public interest, the UAE Ministry of Health requires all TCAM physicians and practitioners to comply with professional, ethical and practice standards, and act as responsible agents for their patients. To allow these practitioners to work in UAE a qualifying examination (TCAM exam) is held by MOH about three times a year, and so far more than 200 homeopaths have qualified to practice in UAE.

In exercising its licensing authority the Ministry of Health has the inherent power to determine precisely the qualifications a TCAM applicant must possess. It may investigate educational credentials, professional competence, and moral character. The applicant bears the burden to prove his fulfillment of all requirements for licensure.

Many other countries like Germany, South Africa, France, Pakistan, Brazil, Nigeria, etc. support homoeopathy very well. This is evident from the advent of many international courses like P. G. (Hom.) London, advanced diploma courses from Australia, USA, etc.

Moreover, the Indian government is also planning to extend the existing fiber optical network to rural areas. This means almost 55000 Centers including Community Health Centre & Primary Health Centre will be connected by fiber optics. This promises a better and brighter future for rural health and homoeopathy, through tele-medicine and tele-homoeopathy. Mind Technologies has already treated more than 14,000 patients in Eastern India in a highly successful Tele-homoeopathy pilot project. As a staunch homeopathic doctor each homoeopathic physician should appeal to all his homoeopathic practitioner friends to extend their full support towards development of our genuine system of medicine.